10 Video Marketing Statistics You Should Know In 2024

Video marketing is taking the digital world by storm! In 2023 now, a whopping 3.5 billion people in the US are found to be glued to digital videos, a number that has far exceeded the predictions of experts. As we step into 2023, video marketing continues to be a hot topic.

Businesses of all sizes are turning their focus to videos, learn video marketing statistics and eager to connect with their audiences in a more dynamic and engaging way.

This blog post will serve as your handy guide, highlighting some eye-opening statistics about video marketing in 2023. Whether you’re curious about the rising popularity of video content or how video can influence purchasing decisions, you’ll find all the insights you need right here.

I will be providing detailed information about video marketing statistics to make you aware more of the importance of video marketing and valuing your time and resources.

The Rising Popularity of Video Content

The popularity of video content is skyrocketing. It’s easy to see why – the dynamic, Video Marketing Statistics, visual nature of videos is not just entertaining, but also engaging and easy to consume.

It seems like everywhere we turn; videos are becoming more prevalent. This holds true for every corner of the digital world, from our personal social media feeds to the professional platforms we use for work.

Interestingly, this growing preference for video content extends beyond just our personal lives. Businesses and brands are recognizing this trend, too.

They are increasingly leveraging video content as a powerful tool to connect with their audience, video marketing statistics, convey their message, and boost engagement.

The trend doesn’t end there. The demand for more video content is on the rise. Consumers are clearly voicing that they want to see more video content from their favorite brands. This trend is not surprising, as video content offers a more immersive, engaging experience than simple text or static images.

Video as an Effective Marketing Tool

Let’s talk about video as a marketing tool. Have you ever found yourself drawn to a product after watching a captivating video? That’s the power of video marketing statistics at work.

Now, what makes video so effective as a marketing tool? Here are a few key reasons:

First, videos are excellent at grabbing people’s attention. With the right visuals and sound, a video can quickly engage viewers and make them interested in what you’re offering.

Next, videos are excellent storytellers. They can tell your brand’s story, explain your product, or demonstrate how your service works, all in a short amount of time.

Finally, videos are shareable. This means that if a viewer finds your video interesting or helpful, they can easily share it with their network. This allows your content to reach a wider audience, increasing your brand visibility.

So, in this dynamic digital era, video marketing statistics emerges as a robust tool. It’s not just about creating videos – it’s about telling your brand story in a way that engages, educates, and encourages viewers to take action.

Increasing Demand for Video Content

Video content is taking the digital world by storm. It’s the new “it” thing that’s changing the way we consume content.

The numbers are there to back this up. According to a recent Cisco study, video is predicted to make up 82% of all internet traffic by 2022. That’s an impressive increase in demand, right?

So, why is this happening? The answer is pretty straightforward.

Increasing Demand for Video Content

Firstly, videos are more engaging than text or static images. They can grab your attention, hold it, and even inspire action, all within a matter of seconds.

Secondly, videos are easier to understand. They can simplify complex ideas and make them digestible to the average viewer. This makes them a great tool for learning and comprehension.

Lastly, video marketing statistics can be consumed in a variety of ways – on a laptop, on a smartphone, at home, on the go. The versatility of video content makes it appealing to a wide range of audiences.

The rise in demand for video content isn’t a passing trend. It’s a significant shift in the way we interact with digital content. With its unique ability to engage, inform, and entertain, video is setting a new standard for digital content.

The Profitability of Video Marketing

Video marketing isn’t just about staying trendy. It’s also about seeing results. Let’s break down how this form of marketing can boost profitability.

According to a study by the Aberdeen Group, brands that use video marketing statistics see nearly double the revenue growth than those that don’t. Quite striking, isn’t it?

Now, how does this happen? Well, there are several ways video marketing can contribute to a company’s bottom line.

First off, videos are known to increase customer engagement. This means more clicks, more shares, and ultimately more conversions. After all, customers are more likely to buy a product or service if they’re actively engaged with it.

The Profitability of Video Marketing

Furthermore, videos are a great way to stand out from the competition. They can showcase a brand’s personality and value proposition in a way that no other medium can.

Additionally, with the availability of cost-effective video production tools and platforms, businesses of all sizes can take advantage of this effective marketing tool. It’s no longer a luxury reserved for big-budget brands.

So there you have it. Video marketing statistics isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a proven method to increase engagement, stand out from the crowd, and ultimately, increase profitability. It might just be the game-changer your business needs.

Video Marketing Statistics Showing Relevance of Video Platforms

In a recent survey, 90% of marketers worldwide said they use YouTube for marketing, with Facebook and TikTok also being popular choices. Video marketing has become essential for engaging audiences effectively, especially during the pandemic. Marketers are increasingly focusing on video promotion to capture and retain viewer attention.

Unlocking the Value of Video

  • Connected TV (CTV) and social video are top marketing tactics, with 22% of digital marketing spend allocated to digital video.
  • Mobile devices are crucial for video consumption, with smartphones being the preferred device.

Market Leaders: Social Media and FAST

  • Social media platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok offer massive exposure for video marketing.
  • Free ad-supported streaming (FAST) services are also gaining popularity, capturing a significant share of digital video ad views.

Mobile Dominance and Video Ad Types

  • Mobile video ad spending is expected to surpass $77 billion, reflecting the increasing trend of video consumption on smartphones.
  • Videos on social media platforms and other digital channels are key for marketers to engage with their audience effectively.

Influencer Marketing and Branded Experiences

  • Influencer marketing is on the rise, with influencers playing a significant role in brand promotion.
  • Brands are investing in experiential marketing to create memorable experiences for consumers.

Addressing Industry Challenges

  • Investing in digital solutions and leveraging marketing technology (MarTech) tools are essential for improving marketing results.
  • Automation with AI is becoming increasingly important for marketers to streamline tasks and optimize performance.

The Role of Video in Lead Generation

Videos are like the multi-purpose tools in the world of marketing – they’re adaptable, effective, and hard to miss in today’s digital landscape.

The reason why videos are so impactful may be clearer with a statistic. HubSpot’s study showed that 54% of consumers prefer more video content from the brands or businesses they favor as a result, 91% of the businesses use videos as tools.

This demonstrates a significant lean towards video over other content types.

So, why are videos the powerhouse of the marketing toolbox? Let’s break it down:

  • Narrative Power: Videos can narrate a story in a matter of minutes, taking viewers through a narrative while presenting a brand’s products, services, or principles. They hold attention, stir up emotions, and craft a memorable experience.
  • Shareability: Videos have high shareability. They can easily circulate on social media, enabling your brand to reach new audiences and grow its following. An engaging and entertaining video makes it easier to use that share button!
  • Suitable for Today’s Lifestyle: Videos cater well to today’s fast-paced, mobile-oriented lifestyle. They’re ideal for mobile users who would rather watch a concise video than read a long article. Plus, they’re versatile across various platforms, from your business website to diverse social media channels.

Video Content in Social Media

Video Content In Social Media

Video content in social media is rapidly becoming the preferred way for users to engage with brands, get information, and entertain themselves. This surge in popularity can be attributed to several key factors:

  • Dynamic and Engaging: Video content is more dynamic and engaging than text or static images. It combines visual imagery, sound, and movement to create a richer, more immersive experience. With the added element of time, it can tell stories, showcase products, or explain concepts in a way that’s easy to understand.
  • Easily Consumable: People often find watching a video less time-consuming and more enjoyable than reading lengthy articles. This is particularly true on social media platforms where users scroll through their feeds quickly, looking for something that catches their attention. A compelling video can stop that scroll and hold a viewer’s attention.
  • Shareable: Videos are more likely to be shared by users, thereby increasing the visibility of your brand. A funny, thought-provoking, or emotional video can go viral, reaching audiences far beyond your original followers.
  • Platform Support: Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok have added features specifically designed to showcase video content, such as Instagram’s Reels and IGTV, Facebook’s Video and Live features, and of course, TikTok’s entire platform. This not only indicates the demand for video content but also actively encourages its creation and consumption.

Impact of Video on Purchase Decisions

Video is transforming how consumers make their purchasing decisions. It’s all about influence, engagement, and trust.

Let’s start with influence. A well-crafted video can show potential buyers the benefits of a product in a real-world setting, going beyond static images and text. Instead of reading about how a gadget works, they can see it in action.

This visual demonstration makes it easier for customers to understand what they’re buying, influencing their decision positively.

Engagement is the next big player. People find videos more engaging than other forms of content. The combination of moving visuals and sound grabs attention, making the viewer more likely to pay attention to the message and less likely to click away.

When customers are engaged with content, they’re more likely to remember the brand and consider it when making a purchase.

Impact of Video on Purchase Decisions

And let’s not forget trust. Videos help build trust between brands and consumers. Seeing a product being used, or hearing a testimonial from a real customer, makes the brand more credible. It’s not just about saying a product is great, it’s about showing it.

This transparency fosters trust, making customers more likely to make a purchase.

Popular Platforms for Video Marketing

Video marketing statistics has become an integral part of businesses’ marketing strategies, and various platforms have risen to popularity because of their unique offerings. Let’s discuss a few:

  • YouTube: This platform needs no introduction. As the second most visited site in the world after Google, it’s a go-to place for video content. Businesses can create their own channels, post videos regularly, and reach an incredibly wide audience.
  • Facebook: Although initially known for text posts and photos, Facebook has made a significant push towards becoming a major platform for video content. Facebook’s video posts have higher engagement rates than text or image posts, and their Live Video feature allows for real-time engagement with viewers.
  • Instagram: Known for beautiful visuals, Instagram’s video capabilities have greatly expanded. Especially use AI video tools for Instagram reels creation content make easier. From short, looping videos (Boomerang) to 15-second clips (Stories) and longer form content (IGTV), businesses have various ways to engage their audience.

Popular Platforms for Video Marketing

  • TikTok: The newcomer in the scene, TikTok has become extremely popular for short, engaging video content. It’s especially effective for reaching younger demographics, and its viral nature can give businesses a massive reach with the right content.
  • LinkedIn: For B2B marketers, LinkedIn is a powerful platform for video content. LinkedIn users are 20x more likely to share video posts than any other type of post, making it a potent tool for businesses targeting professionals and other companies.
  • Twitter: While not as video-focused as other platforms, Twitter’s short, rapid-fire format lends itself well to bite-sized video content. Video tweets attract more engagement than text or image tweets.

These are just a few examples of the many platforms businesses can use for video marketing. The key is to understand each platform’s unique strengths and audience, and tailor your video content accordingly.

The Increasing Time Spent on Video Consumption


The consumption of video content has been on the rise, and it’s not hard to see why. With advances in technology and the ubiquity of smartphones and high-speed internet, watching videos has never been easier or more convenient.

A key factor driving the increase in video consumption is the shift in user preferences. More and more people are gravitating towards visual, dynamic content.

Videos, with their ability to convey emotion, tell a story, and engage viewers, fits fit the bill perfectly.

This shift has been most noticeable among younger generations, who spend considerable amounts of time watching videos on social media platforms and streaming services.

Time Spent on Video Consumption

The rise of on-demand video services like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Hulu has also played a significant role. It is shown by video marketing statistics.

With these services, people can watch their favorite shows and movies anytime, anywhere. They no longer need to adhere to the rigid schedules of traditional TV.

Moreover, the emergence of short-video platforms like TikTok has also contributed to the growing time spent on video consumption. The bite-sized, entertaining content these platforms offer can be easily consumed during short breaks, making it a popular pastime.

The pandemic also played its part. As more people stayed home to curb the spread of COVID-19, they turned to video content for entertainment and distraction, further boosting the time spent on video consumption.

Video’s Dominance in Internet Traffic

Videos have become the heavyweight champions of internet traffic, dominating the online landscape in a big way. It’s no surprise, considering their widespread popularity and appeal.

To put it simply, videos have taken over the internet. They account for a significant portion of global internet traffic, with estimates suggesting that around 82% of all internet traffic in 2022 came from video streaming and downloads as per video marketing statistics.

That’s a substantial increase from previous years.

Think about it – billions of people worldwide are watching and sharing videos online every day. Whether it’s streaming movies, binging on series, or catching up on their favorite vloggers, videos have become a staple in our digital lives.

Video's Dominance in Internet Traffic

Not only are people consuming uploaded videos, but live internet videos have also seen a tremendous surge in popularity. In fact, live video traffic has grown 15-fold in just five years, accounting for a notable share of total internet video traffic shown by video marketing statistics.

The amount of internet video being consumed is mind-boggling. In 2017 alone, users consumed a staggering 56 exabytes (that’s a billion gigabytes) of internet video content per month.

Fast forward to 2022, and that number has more than quadrupled to a whopping 240 exabytes per month.

This explosive growth in video consumption is reshaping the internet landscape. Websites, social media platforms, and content creators are all adapting to cater to this demand.

The rise of video has transformed how we engage with the online world, and its dominance in internet traffic shows no signs of slowing down.


Well, there you have it folks! We’ve talked about the ever-rising popularity of video content, how it’s taking the marketing world by storm, and its undeniable impact on buying decisions. We’ve seen its significant role in generating leads and how it’s become the star of social media.

Given its high profitability, and the fact that it’s dominating internet traffic, it’s clear that learning about video marketing statistics is not just a passing trend. It’s here to stay. If your business isn’t harnessing its power yet, now is a great time to start.

Have any thoughts or questions about video marketing? Feel free to share below!

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About the Author

Vinayak Gupta
I’m a Funnel Builder & Internet Marketing Guy who love to explore online tools that can make work easy and automated. I also run my content agency, Wordscloud. If you’re interested to know the tale of how one of my client’s funnel generated 1M USD or my marketing stories, connect to me on linkedin.
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