Live Rank Sniper Review

By: Vinayak Gupta
Updated : April 23, 2024
Live Rank Sniper Review

Our Verdict

Live Rank Sniper is one of the extensively used software for finding correct keywords for your site. It searches organic keywords from the available set of keywords. It greatly helps you in growing on search engine platforms like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.


Live Rank Sniper is equipped with advanced features like affiliate marketing, autocomplete from YouTube. It supports multiple languages’ keywords and provides strategies and plans for Ranking.

Ease of Use

Live Rank Sniper is easy to use with a user-friendly interface. It has an interactive design and a straightforward dashboard. Various buttons on the interface help in quick access to many features.


Live Rank Sniper gives you three pricing plans to choose from. All plans are one-time investments. Lite Version – $17 Pro Version – $37 Agency Version – $67


Live Rank Sniper offers many videos and courses to its users to help them in using it efficiently. For any query, you can search your problem in their KnowledgeBase or submit a ticket to them.

Live Rank Sniper Review


Editor’s Rating

Starting from : $17

Live Rank Sniper Review

Online sponsors and bloggers struggle every day to top the Google page rankings. This happens with the help of SEO. This is of top priority for everyone.

In today’s time, most people who deal daily with SEO work on tools that make most of their workload more manageable. Right from finding the right keywords, to clickbait, keywords, and more. These tools are capable of doing everything.

Today I shall unveil before you readers one such similar tool. This tool has been working well with a lot of SEO specialists and making their lives easier. This tool is the Live Rank Sniper Review.

What Is Live Rank Sniper?

Live Rank Sniper is a simple, yet, widely used tool to get a bunch of keywords. These help many bloggers or product sellers in magnificent ways. Keywords are like attraction centers.

If you have the right keyword associated with your product, then your online content can do well. Hence, a keyword is an essential part of SEO. It improves your Google page rankings immensely.

All the work that needs to be done is an efficient portrayal of written content or video titles.

Every online content creator wants to have excellent page rankings on Google. To achieve such a position, your page needs to have the correct assembly structures. This includes keywords and phrases which will help in achieving the same.

This is where Live Rank Sniper comes into action and helps you crawl on top of the web media.
Live Rank Sniper Review works on programming. This helps in finding the correct key keywords.

It liberates your online entity so that it can land the primary position on Google.

Features Of Live Rank Sniper Review

Live Rank Sniper is a ranking tool used to search for organic keywords in a list of available keywords. It helps its users to move up in the order of search results pages. Its use can help the users grow on engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing.

Live Rank Sniper provides users with high traffic by providing keywords. Founded by Robert Philips in 2017, it is an all-in-one platform to optimize your keyword needs.

In this segment, let us take a view at some of the essential features Live Rank Sniper has:

Provides Ranking Plan

Provides Ranking Plan

Live Rank Sniper provides the best strategies and plans. It uses various methods that help in climbing ranks. It is the most reliable platform if you wish to see your web page on the first few Google pages. Live Rank Sniper provides special schemes if you want your results listed on the first page.

Live Rank Sniper even gives its users a detailed analysis report. It helps to overlook the ranking system mechanism. Its efficient database will also provide users with practices or formulas. It seems to work in the market effectively.

It has the right mixture of useful resources and an efficient keyword tracker. Live Rank Sniper helps users land on the most viewed pages and analyze the data in real-time.

Beginner Friendly

Beginner Friendly

Talking about the user interface, Live Rank Sniper provides various interesting features. The interactive design and a hassle-free dashboard make up for a good plan. The wide availability of different buttons on the dashboards helps in quick access.

Live Rank Sniper has been known for providing regular updates for the platform. While it helped in building an efficient site, it also helped beginners learn quickly. It has also offered various courses and video tutorials for users to understand.

The regular updates have allowed the designers to introduce dynamic features, such as an SEO optimizer. So, this platform has given a win-win situation to users.

Efficient Use Of Seo

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Live Rank Sniper allows us to carry out Search Engine Optimization by providing the analytics in minutes while keeping in sync with SEO. Live Rank Sniper is a tool that helps you in knowing which keywords will make you land on top of Google search results.

This mechanism, combined with SEO, provides terms for related searches also. They help in giving other metrics and analytics, such as response time.

Live Rank Sniper is a ranking tool. It will be incomplete without combining it with an optimization tool. With their combination, Live Rank Sniper will act as a crystal ball. It will help to provide reliable data within minutes.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a marketing category where the marketer needs to advertise personally for a company’s product. The commission earns him the profit. Affiliate marketing also requires the use of keywords to reach more audiences.

Reaching more audience helps in earning more commission. For an affiliate marketer, Live Rank Sniper comes as a handy tool. By searching for appropriate keywords, it fulfills his target of reaching a milestone.

Live Rank Sniper also helps to measure metrics data, which allows a marketer in knowing whether the campaign is efficient or not. Its analytics tool helps in making viable changes to the drive to make it work.

Wide Availability

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Live Rank Sniper is available worldwide for use. Its easy availability makes it a popular platform for ranks. Live Rank Sniper is also different in different domains for some countries. The designers of the site have ensured to make the website translation in nearly 12 languages.

Because of these factors, the user base of the platform is global. The platform also accepts different currencies. It also makes sure that they are open to all kinds of monetary transactions.

The wide acceptance and the range of features provided by the platform make it a reliable factor for choosing it over other platforms. The website of Live Rank Sniper is available on all operating software.

Affordable Pricing

Live Rank Sniper provides its users with affordable plans to choose from. Live rank offers three affordable plans starting from $67. Its most expensive program provides its users with unlimited access to keywords and features with the exchange of monthly payment system. For reasonable prices, Live Rank Sniper provides many in-built features.

Live Rank Sniper provides value for money. With the beginner, intermediate, and expert level plans, it offers a fair deal for users.

Compared to its competitors, the features are half-cut and limited access to keywords is given to users. Live Rank Sniper is a good option for a beginner to start.

Provides Niche For Videos

Provides Niche For Videos

Live Rank Sniper provides a niche for all types of online videos. It provides and fulfills the place for YouTube videos. It allows the streaming of live videos as well as pre-recorded uploaded videos.

Videos make an essential part of all marketing campaigns right now. Apart from providing critical keywords, Live Rank Sniper allows you to upload videos. That helps in campaigning uniquely.

In conclusion, Live Rank Sniper is a one-stop solution for all marketing and SEO needs. It carefully segregates organic keywords and provides them to the user for accuracy.

Live Rank Sniper – Process

After discussing the various intricate features of the Live Rank Sniper, we must move further on. In this segment, let us look at the process of incorporating Live Rank Sniper as a ranking system.

Launched in September 2017, this powerful tool can be used by following some steps:

  • The first step includes entering the keywords related to your product manually. This helps the software to run algorithms to search the best keywords.
  • The next step would need the user to press the ‘GO’ option available at the bottom of your screen. This gives a green signal to the platform to start running its coding and bring out the best results.
  • In the final step, the definitive list of the best keywords will be visible on the screen. You need to select the niche showing your related keywords.

AND BAM! You just got the best available keywords related to your products. These keywords can help you increase your rank and land on top of the result pages.

Live Rank Sniper follows easy instructions and can be used by a beginner as well.

Pricing Plans

As mentioned in the features above, Live Rank Sniper follows an affordable pricing range. In this column, let us observe the plans provided by the tool separately.

There are three pricing plans available at the site –

  • Beginner
  • Pro
  • Master plans

Let us look at them one by one-

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  • Beginner plan ($15):

This plan is suitable for immediate beginners who are doing their first project. It offers the program for 20 days with 600 keyword searches. It also provides a niche for running a YouTube channel. In conclusion, it satisfies the basic requirements of every marketer.

  • Second level plan ($36):

This plan offers the next level to the first plan. It allows 1500 keyword searches for a month. It also provides a niche background for 1 YouTube channel. It is suitable for users who are comfortable operating the platform.

For the features this plan gives out, it is considered the best option to consider purchasing.

  • Master plan ($67): 

The third plan is the most expensive plan of the Live Rank Sniper. It allows its users to carry out unlimited keyword searches in this plan. It even supports the niche for running two YouTube accounts.

With this plan, you can also take part in unlimited live meetings. It is beneficial for hosting marketing events.

Keeping in view all the plans Live Rank Sniper offers, it is a fair deal. With its competitors like DYNO mapper, Live Rank Sniper is affordable and value for money.

Pros And Cons Of Live Rank Sniper As A Ranking Tool

So far, we have discussed the features, working, and pricing options available in the tool. Now we are looking at some good and bad things about using Live Rank Sniper –


  • Live Rank Sniper delivers accurate results in less response time.
  • Live Rank Sniper tool is available worldwide for use.
  • It has a global reach as it is a popular tool to use.
  • Live Rank Sniper tool helps in many fortes. For example, affiliate marketing, YouTube, and optimizing sites.
  • It helps users in deciding and preparing for the ad campaign beforehand. It helps in planning and strategizing as well.
  • Live Rank Sniper helps to improve ranking on the search results page.
  • It can be used for providing niche to both online videos and streaming videos.


  • Live Rank Sniper’s user interface has sometimes created problems for its users.
  • It does not provide insights on competitor’s activity.
  • Live Rank Sniper misses out on some analytic data and metrics.
  • The tool does not give free trial plans.

FAQs Related To Live Rank Sniper Review

1. What is Live Rank Sniper?

Live Rank Sniper is one of the most easy-to-use gadgets. It finds keywords for your online content to rank on the top page of the Google search results page within an instant. Leveraging this software helps in improving the rankings of YouTube live streams. This allows your videos and website to attain the first rank faster.

2. How does Live Rank Sniper work?

3. Is the software easy to use?

Honestly, I have never seen any software perform mentioned above. Hence, I find the platform very simple to use. All you need to do is provide some details about your content. This software will do the rest, like finding keywords and phrases for top Google rankings. Therefore, using it is so simple that even a beginner can excel.

4. Is this product compatible with MAC?

Live Rank Sniper is primarily designed to suit Windows 7 or greater. However, to run it on Mac, you need to run Windows 7+ via Parallels.

5. What makes Live Rank Sniper better than the others?

Unlike other software, this one delivers results. Live Rank Sniper has been made with a lot of research. It is perfectioned by software programmers so that it meets the needs of every user. Hence, Live Rank Sniper is better than others in all senses.

6. Does it only work with videos?

The majority of this software is used to improve YouTube videos. This dominates the 1st page. Users can also use it for finding keywords for their website. Users need to leverage SEO tactics for improving page results, which is led by keywords. This software knows to find those keywords for you. It improves video rankings and also improves website rankings.

7. How long does it take to rank?

Every keyword is different. It relates to the content and details you provide to the software. However, results on Live Rank Sniper will be seen within minutes. This is one of the most significant advantages of using this software. It does not take time and makes things happen in an instant.

8. Will it hold my rankings?

Yes! This is again an advantage of Live Rank Sniper that it can hold rankings for you. You can get a guide to getting orders through this. You can keep it handy when you stream into the live working of Live Rank Sniper.

9. What ranking strategies are proven to work?

Best of the ranking strategies that help in getting a better position on the web come from SEO. Deploying healthy SEO practices is essential. This includes understanding the use of keywords. LSI words and their occurrence in the content plays an important role. Live Rank Sniper gadgets do much of this. You do not need to do any self-research and waste time finding out these words. To know more about ranking strategies proven to work, you should give this software a try.

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Conclusion: Live Rank Sniper Review 2024

Live Rank Sniper is one of the most widely used tools in today’s time. Online content is judged based on quality and not quantity. If you understand the importance of SEO, you would know the value of using such tools.

Unlike other gadgets, Live Rank Sniper provides efficient results. It has powerful features but possesses pros and cons. Moreover, the comfortable pricing of Live Rank Sniper Review makes it the most affordable. It is a useful tool for all things SEO for a better online position.


About the Author

Vinayak Gupta
I’m a Funnel Builder & Internet Marketing Guy who love to explore online tools that can make work easy and automated. I also run my content agency, Wordscloud. If you’re interested to know the tale of how one of my client’s funnel generated 1M USD or my marketing stories, connect to me on linkedin.
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